Muffin Desu

♡ Freelancer Digital Artist ♡

Artist - Vstreamer - Live2D Rigger & Illustrator - MMDer

About Me

♡ English ♡

Hi, I'm a digital artist from Mexico that usually do live on Twitch from time to time, either playing something or drawing anything. Usually I usually say a lot of nonsense live, but some people get a laugh out of it and that's enough for me to be happy.I know how to use MMD, PMX, Live2D, Vroid Studio, etc., because when I'm interested in how to do something I finish watching tutorials even in languages I don't understand to learn how to do it.

♡ Español ♡

Hola, soy una artista digital de México que suele hacer directos en Twitch de vez en cuando, ya sea jugando algo o dibujando cualquier cosa. Usualmente suelo decir muchas tonterías en directo, pero a algunos les da risa y con eso me basta para ser feliz.Sé usar el MMD, PMX, Live2D, Vroid Studio, etc., ya que cuando me llama la atención el como hacer algo término viendo tutoriales hasta en idiomas que no entiendo para aprender hacerlo.

♡ Commissions ♡

♡ Bust up: 55 usd
♡ Half body: 65 usd
♡ Full body: 80 usd
♥ Detailed BG: 15 usd

♡ Bust up: 40 usd
♡ Half body: 50 usd
♡ Full body: 60 usd
♥ Detailed BG: 15 usd

♡ Bust up: 18 usd
♡ Half body: 23 usd
♡ Full body: 28 usd
♥ Detailed BG: 10 usd

♡ 1 Emote: 4 usd
♡ 3 Emotes: 10 usd

♡ Pngtuber: 20 usd
♡ +emotions 5 usd c/u
♡ + bonus accessories: 3 usd c/u

♡ Option 1: 80 usd
♡ Option 2: 60 usd
♡ Option 3: 30 usd
♥ + bonus accessories: 5 usd c/u

♡ Commissions T.O.S ♡

♥ Terms Of Service ♥

♡ English ♡

● Make sure you really want to get a commission.● Upon receiving your complete application with all the necessary information (must be specific in all respect) you must pay the price assigned to start the commission (I won't start it if you don't pay first).● Once the commission is initiated, a Sketch of what you requested will be sent, at this point you will tell me what you want to change about it for approval before continuing with the coloring and a view will be sent to you during the process to verify that you are satisfied with the work (more than 3 changes will be extra charge).● The completed time to finish your order is 1-3 weeks (I can finish it before or after the indicated time, all depending on the difficulty of the order, the chosen style and the commissions that I am working on before yours, I ask for understanding and patience).
Finishing your order i will sent to you a last preview showing that the work has been completed, after this, the commission file will be sent to you in its highest quality (I will need you to send me your email address).
● You will be completely denied the refund if you are not satisfied with the FINAL PRODUCT, since from the beginning and during the process you were sent a first view of the work to verify that it was to your liking which was accepted by YOU, also before you ordered your commission you read and accepted the T.O.S. and as the first rule says ''Make sure you really want to receive a commission'', so i will not accept a refund.● At the end of your order I will share the illustration on my social networks (It will have a watermark and will not be at its highest quality, only you will have the only copy without a watermark) the commission is only for personal use, if you want to market with it (sell on t-shirt, cups, stickers, etc.) you must pay 500 dollar extra for the copyright.● If you want the commission to be private you must pay an extra cost of 5 dollar.● Prices may increase depending on the difficulty of the commission.

♥ Terminos de servicio ♥

♡ Español ♡

● Asegúrate de que realmente quieres recibir una comisión.● Al recibir tu solicitud completa con toda la información necesaria (debe ser específica en todo sentido) deberás pagar el precio asignado para iniciar la comisión (no la iniciaré si no pagas primero).● Una vez iniciado el encargo, se enviará un Boceto de lo que solicitaste, en este punto me dirás lo que quieres cambiar del mismo para su aprobación antes de continuar con el coloreado y se te enviará una vista durante el proceso para verificar que estás satisfecho con el trabajo (más de 3 cambios tendrán cargo extra).● El tiempo completo para terminar tu encargo es de 1-3 semanas (puedo terminarlo antes o después del tiempo indicado, todo depende de la dificultad del encargo, del estilo elegido y de los encargos en los que esté trabajando antes que el tuyo, te pido comprensión y paciencia).
Finalizado tu encargo te enviaré una última vista previa mostrando que el trabajo ha sido finalizado, tras esto, el archivo del encargo te será enviado en su máxima calidad (necesitaré que me envíes tu dirección de correo electrónico).
● Se te negará completamente el reembolso si no estás satisfecho con el PRODUCTO FINAL, ya que desde el principio y durante el proceso se te envió una primera vista del trabajo para verificar que era de tu agrado la cual fue aceptada por TI, además antes de encargar tu comisión leíste y aceptaste los T.O.S. y como dice la primera regla ''Asegúrate de que realmente quieres recibir una comisión'', por lo que no aceptaré reembolso.● Al finalizar tu encargo compartiré la ilustración en mis redes sociales (Tendrá una marca de agua y no estará en su máxima calidad, solo tu tendrás la única copia sin marca de agua) el encargo es solo para uso personal, si quieres comercializar con ella (vender en camiseta, tazas, pegatinas, etc) deberás pagar 500 dólares extra por los derechos de autor.● Si quieres que el encargo sea privado deberás pagar un coste extra de 5 dólares.● Los precios pueden aumentar dependiendo de la dificultad del encargo.

•Characters/Ocs.• NSFW.
• FanArts.• Robots/Mechas.
• LGBT.• Hyperrealism.
• Soft Gore.• Things that make me uncomfortable.
• Animals. 
• Emotes Twitch 

• Vtuber Rigg.• Using a recolor model.
• Vtuber2D Model• Elaborate animations in Live2D
• Gif emotes• Things that make me uncomfortable.


Once you have found the commission of your choice, send me a note/message/email with the title "Commission" and complete this form.
Email to: muff[email protected]
Discord: muffindesu
Instagram: muffindesu.

[Illustration, 2D Model Vtuber, Rigg Model, Vroid Model, Pngtuber, Emote] ♡ [Full color, Flat Shade full color, Flat Color, Sketch color, Chibi] ♡ [Bust-up!, Half Body, Full Body]
Send all the information about the character/Oc and how you want to be illustrated (Full Name, Appearance, clothing, reference photos, Pose, Factions, etc.) The more references you send, the better.
You need to tell me everything you want to add to the illustration and I ask you to be extremely specific with the entire commission (Objects, Shapes, Blood, Letters, etc.)
PayPal Only
You must send an extra 3 dollars for the commission requested by PayPal
(Please verify that the currency is USD before sending)
Prices vary depending on the difficulty of the commission.